Stock Market Opening News :- Market are likely to open lower tracking weakness in their Asian peers and overnight losses on Wall Street.At 8:30am, the early indicator SGX Nifty was down 16 points at 7,166."The Indian markets are expected to open with a flat to negative note tracking the global cues. On Thursday, US markets ended lower on the back of lower-than-expected earnings and fall in oil prices. Asian markets also pared its gains," Geojit BNP Paribas Financial services said in a note. Foreign institutional investors were net buyers in equities to the tune of Rs 419 crore on Thursday, as per provisional stock exchange data.
Asian stocks were trading lower as investors booked profit after gains in the previous sessions after the recent upmove in global crude oil prices took a breather on the back of rising US oil inventory while global economic growth concerns also weighed on sentiment. Japanese shares witnessed profit taking after recent gains. The benchmark Nikkei was down 2.3% while Shanghai Composite was down 0.1% while Hang Seng eased 0.6% and Straits Times was down 0.4%
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