The 30-share BSE Sensex rose 208.93 points to 25109.39 and the 50-share NSE Nifty climbed 63.25 points to 7660.25. The market breadth was also strong as about 844 shares advanced against 138 declining shares on BSE.
Lupin, Tata Motors, ICICI Bank, Sun Pharma, Hindalco Industries, Vedanta and UltraTech Cement topped buying list in early trade.
The Indian rupee has opened marginally higher at 66.48 per dollar today against previous close of 66.54.
The 30-share index was trading at 25,112, up 212 points or 0.85 per cent. It touched a high of 25120.89 and a low of 25,062.06 in morning trade.
The Nifty50 was trading at 7,661 up 64 point or 0.85 per cent. It touched a high of 7,663.60 and a low of 7,651.05 in the first 30 minutes of trade.
Lupin, Tata Motors, ICICI Bank, Sun Pharma, Hindalco Industries, Vedanta and UltraTech Cement topped buying list in early trade.
The Indian rupee has opened marginally higher at 66.48 per dollar today against previous close of 66.54.
The 30-share index was trading at 25,112, up 212 points or 0.85 per cent. It touched a high of 25120.89 and a low of 25,062.06 in morning trade.
The Nifty50 was trading at 7,661 up 64 point or 0.85 per cent. It touched a high of 7,663.60 and a low of 7,651.05 in the first 30 minutes of trade.
The S&P BSE Midcap Index was up 0.92 per cent and BSE S&P Smallcap Index was trading 1 per cent higher.
Lupin (up 3 per cent), Tata Motors (up 2 per cent), ICICI Bank (up 1.96 per cent), Sun Pharma (up 1.6 per cent), and Adani Ports (up 1.5 per cent), were the major Sensex gainers.
Lupin (up 3 per cent), Tata Motors (up 2 per cent), ICICI Bank (up 1.96 per cent), Sun Pharma (up 1.6 per cent), and Adani Ports (up 1.5 per cent), were the major Sensex gainers.
HDFC (down 0.5 per cent), Maruti Suzuki (down 0.35 per cent) were the major Sensex losers.
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